Jan 24, 2017

Where The Road Take Me

It's a nice day, let's go out! That's what I always hear at my house and for some reason I'm the one who always have to drive the car. I almost never plan ahead where to go, I let the road take me to wherever it wanted me to go. That's basically how I found so many amazing places and absolutely 100% of times I was completely lost!

You see, the GPS and I have a very complicated relationship. For some mysterious reason every time I use it, the GPS try to kill me. I know you're thinking "this woman it's nuts" but hey, I'm serious here and I bet I'm not the only one who had this issue with GPS! Last time I used it, that psycho technology told me to turn right... in the middle of a bridge... in a desolated place... logically I didn't do it and that thing kept saying "turn right"... as I continued driving forward the GPS lady said "make a u turn and turn left"... yeah, it wanted me to jump off the bridge with my family! Damned psycho!

I have no idea how I got here. Awesome place right?

So, I drive with no destination without a wicked technology trying to kill me; of course I will get lost all the time! I'm not complaining about it, actually I love it! I find great places, meet interesting people because hey, I have to ask how the hell I can get to the main street right?

So tell me, do you plan ahead where to go or you go wherever the road take you? Do you ever had an issue with the GPS psychopath?

                                Luzyi 🚗

Don't let the GPS kill you and FOLLOW my blog!

Jan 23, 2017

One Way Or Another

Life's about choices. No one it's 100% satisfied with their lives. Basically because sometimes we chose badly or let opportunities escape our hands. Life it's full of choices, we have to choose every single thing in our lives. Even when you let other person choose for you... that simple action, letting another person make the decisions, is a choice.

You don't like it this way?

Is not that hard, or at least it's not supposed to be hard to decide stuff. We tend to think too much or too little and that's when we screw it up. We need to learn from nature, from animals. They look their options and choose, if they chose badly they try another thing instead of throwing themselves into a dark hole, getting depressed, angry, regretting the day they born and end up giving up.

Then try this other way!

Why humans do such things all the time? Why we instead of quickly try another thing and continue moving forward we transform into drama queens feeling like the world it's crushing us down when we clearly have million options in front of us. I think we blind ourselves in one thing and when we can't reach what we were looking for we can't see another thing, just our failure.

So I proposed myself to not being blind and look the whole picture. That way when I fail at getting what I want, I can see all the choices in front of me and keep trying until I reach my goal without the emotional and psychological pain. It's better, simpler and practical.

Let's keep it simple, shall we?!
                                        Luzyi 💋

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Jan 19, 2017

We're All The Same!

We're all connected! Humans, animals, nature... we all share similarities wether we like it or not!

You just have to go outside and look the things animals do and you will realize we do the same stuff. Oh, you don't believe me? I will build my case now! 

Perverts. There's a lots of them everywhere! You can find them when you less expect and the most common one it's the "flasher". It looks this bird its a professional flasher, don't you think?

Hey baby! I wanna show you something good!

Conscience. That screaming voice inside your head yelling at you every time you do something bad making you feel miserable and ashamed. It seems this cats it's having one of those moments.

Oh crap! The human found what i did!

Young couples. Showing their affection everywhere without caring if other see them doing their "stuff". It's inevitable yelling at them: "get a room" and this ladybugs need a room right now.

For God's sake! Get a room!

Fear. We all had experienced fear in our lives. Specially when its a matter of life and death. You can feel the fear of this cow in her eyes.

Let me out of here!

Sleep. We all need to sleep and I bet I'm not the only one who had slept in a funny way without even noticing. Like this big snail.

Don't wake him up!

As you can see we all do the same things. Go outside and look at nature, you will have a good laugh!

                                Luzyi 😀

Special thanks to Mrs Doodles, Norman Darlington, Bruno Mestre, Milly and Rahmi Nuraeni for letting me use their pics! For more amazing pics you can go to AFC.

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Jan 18, 2017

What's Cooking Up At AFC Today?

Wildlife day at AFC! Time for marvelous pics! Enjoy the view!


Fluffy bird

Sunset at the sea

Flying birds

Special thanks to Mrs. Doodles, Ewa Wójciak, Bruno Mestre, Carmen Comanescu, Rahmi Nuraeni for letting me use their pics! For more photos go to AFC!

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Jan 15, 2017

Nose Waterfall

Runny nose time! Weather, sometimes our friend, sometimes our most hated enemy.

Living at the Caribbean my entire life, I always get the same temperatures (remember the last post about how I was "freezing to death"). Now that Mr. Weather changed to "freeze your butt off" my nose it's, eh... how I would put this? Messy, depressed and wet!

Allergies here, allergies there. Sneezing, bloating, runny nose... no wait, runny nose it's not accurate! Waterfall nose! Yeah, exactly that! My nose is a waterfall! Did you ever felt that instead of a nose you have a broken pipe in the middle of your face? Leaking and leaking like insane and you spent all day long blowing that broken pipe, using napkins like theres no mañana, filling your body with allergy meds and vitamin c and the fricking nose keeps throwing "water". You can easily fill up a bucket with it and I don't know, maybe go to your garden and water the plants with it cause there's gotta be some use to all that "water" and then you wonder where the hell all that crap came from? My lungs are not that big! Are you telling me I have a river inside my lungs? So I have the fountain of mucus inside? Did Juan Ponce De Leon ever cared to find that or he only wanted to find the fountain of youth?

The allergy pill to the rescue!

Maybe no body told my lungs we're in holidays, why the hell they keep producing so much "water"? Maybe I forgot to turn off my nose faucet and if that's the case, where am I supposed to find that thing? What about tampons? Will my nose stop throwing water if I stick tampons in it? You're laughing, right? Yeah, I bet you're laughing!

I have no idea when the weather will go back to normal or if my nose waterfall will run dry soon but meanwhile I find a good solution I will keep taking meds. Not a great helper but something It's something, right?

Stay warm my friends and If you ever find nose tampons please tell me!


Don't be a runny nose stranger and FOLLOW my blog!

Jan 13, 2017

Holy mother! This week AFC video review it's long and powerful! 64 photos of our amazing members that will uplift you in many ways. 

Wanna know more of AFC? Click here!
For more inspiring photos go to www.artisticfreedomcrew.com

                                        Luzyi 😉

Don't be a stranger and FOLLOW my blog!

Jan 12, 2017

Hibernating Mode On!

Oh God, I'm so sleepy! This cold weather have me in sleepy mode 24/7. I know what are you thinking, "What is she talking about? She lives at the Caribbean, she have no idea what cold is!". That's half true!

As a Caribbean person, my body it's designed for hot weather 24/7. That means I can perfectly endure temperatures from 80°F (26°C) to 120°F (48°C) without any problem and that's basically the temperatures we have almost the entire year but when it comes winter it's another story. From half December to end of January we have "cold" weather... let me translate that for you in degrees: 65°F (18°C) to 73°F (22°C) at the city and if you live at the mountains you will have 35°F (1°C) or less.

Yes, I know, that's a beach day for some people but when you're used to merciless hot weather the entire year you can't withstand "cold". I look like a gigantic burrito wrapped in jackets and I think I understand why bears hibernate because all I want to do is sleep.

That's not good when it comes to work because my brain it's in hibernation mode. So you can imagine how much I'm struggling lately. Don't misunderstand me, I'm loving this weather! It's awesome  not feeling like boiling every time you go outside!

Enjoy the cold weather while it last!

                                   Luzyi 💋

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Jan 10, 2017

Killing Neurons While Waiting

Sitting outside of the doctor's office while waiting for my mom to finish her appointment I realized 2 things:

1- people drive to damned fast in this country
2- 90% of the automobiles are white, red, black or blue

Now, the first one... I knew that long time ago. Why? Because I also drive fast... I'm not gonna lie about it. It's impossible to drive slow nowadays, especially when everyone drives like they're possessed by the devil and of course I'm not patient enough to drive slow... I always try to drive within the speed limit... I try, I really try... and I really hope no policeman read this post... Oh, hi officer! 😅

The 2nd one... Do I really care about why there's so may cars with the same colors in my country? No, but I'm bored to death and I have to do something while waiting. So let's think about this until I found something better to put my attention on it, shall we? No? Ok, then let's look at this bent tree for a while...  

I have to wash my car
That's a clever tree! Somehow that tree knew it will be a problem to touch the power lines, so it bent to one side to avoid that problem. 

Ok, can someone tell the doctor to hurry up? I'm killing my neurons here wondering why people choose the same car colors and looking at a bent tree! How's even possible I think so much silly stuff during the day and so deep philosophical stuff at night?

There goes another neuron!
                                            Luzyi 💋

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