Dec 14, 2016

A Thankful Drama!

I spent all day long outside doing tons of stuff, driving like insane, carrying heavy bags and yelling to the old lady driving really slow in the middle of the road... you know, the usual. While driving back home I noticed a big smoke cloud near the place i live... and there's where the drama started, go a grab popcorn!

"Is that smoke? Oh my God! That's smoke! Wait a minute, thats near my house... Did i forgot to turn off the stove? Oh God my house it's burning! Wait, i didn't used the stove this morning. Oh, i left the tablet charging. My tablet got fire and now my house it's burning! Oh God no! I lost everything! God!!! Please.... no, no, i definitely unplugged the tablet before i left my house. Why my house it's burning? Why?! Don't panic Luz, don't panic! Jesus Christ, im almost home and that smoke cloud is huge... oh wait, thats my neighbor's house! My neighbor's house it's burning! Thanks God! Oh it's my neighbor's house, not mine!  Thank you God because my house it's fine, I'm so fricking happy!"... All this while driving really quick.

And then it hit me, why the hell am I thanking God because my neighbor's house it's burning down?... and it hit me twice because "Oh crap, my neighbor's house it's burning! Somebody call the 9-1-1! Wait, I have the phone in my hands. Let me take a pic first... ok, now I will ca... oh, police and firemen are here". Yeah, don't make that expression! I bet you would do the same.

So, now im thankful for the right reasons: my house it's ok, my neighbor is safe and I got a good pic...😉 
                                    Luzyi 💋


  1. Whoooo meeeee?! That's not true! The voices inside my head says im perfectly fine!LOL😜
