Dec 13, 2016

What's Artistic Freedom Crew?

Let's talk about my job! Not because I wanted my bosses to see I'm spreading the word so they think I'm a good employee and they send me some of the cookies they're always making. No, never!.... but seriously, what the hell is Artistic Freedom Crew? (AFC for short) It's a website for photography and digital art lovers. There are millions of websites about that you may think, and yes, it's true. So what's different about AFC? For a start it's a truly original content zone. I see it like a sanctuary for all the amateur photographers struggling to share their stuff in an original content atmosphere without worrying about being judged or buried in tons of internet crap like the other places.

Let's talk about the not being judged part. There's a big ugly thing pestering the internet: haters! No matter how good you are or how great your content is you will always find some haters throwing dirt on your hard work. You don't find that at AFC. The staff and members are very friendly. No one's gonna judge your work, you're free to be yourself and express your feelings through your photos and art. Also we joke a lot and exchange ideas. Most important of all, YOU KEEP THE COPYRIGHT OF YOUR CONTENT. It's your content, it belongs to you!

So let's recap... an original content zone with a friendly environment, free of judgment where you keep the rights of your stuff. Don't know about you, but I spent years looking for a place like that and I finally found it at Artistic Freedom Crew. On top of that, i met amazing talented people from all over the world who share the same passion for photography as me and thanks to them, my photography skills are getting better.

So what are you waiting for? Go and check and see what's awaiting you! Hope to see you there!

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