Dec 31, 2016

Closing Cycles

Close the 2016 cycle

I bet you're thinking: "What the hell is wrong with Luzyi?" Yes, this is a safety button of a handbag and as you can see, it's closed. What does this mean? It means this cycle of 2016 it's closed and I'm ready to move to 2017! One cycle ends, another starts and it brings new opportunities, new experiences, new failures, new triumphs, new friends, new knowledge, new dreams...
Humans have the ability to adapt to any circumstance no matter how hard. Maybe 2016 was a damned bastard with you, maybe it was a good year or maybe it was a fricking bumpy ride... Mine? It was a combination of damned bastard and bumpy ride! Just because 2016 wasn't good enough doesn't mean 2017 will be the same. Now, there are 2 types of people: the ones who just thought 2017 can be worst and the ones that thought 2017 will be better. Things can get worse or better but it's us who decide how we will face every situation. For every problem, there's a solution and we have the power to choose what to do.

So let's close the 2016 cycle and receive 2017 with open arms. Show the new year your not afraid of what's coming your way.
Happy New Year!


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Dec 30, 2016

Ha! Life!

In case you didn't notice, LIFE IS NOT FAIR! Yeah, it's true! Worst of all? It's fricking funny how life show you how bitchy she is! Oh, you don't believe me? Let me bild my case...

Let's talk about hair! My hair have own will.... translated into modern language means: my hair do whatever it wants. It doesn't follow orders, it's messy, arrogant and even savage. So you spent, I don't even know how much money, trying to make your hair look at least "decent" and then life show you a beautiful hairy flower while pointing at you, laughing and saying "In your face!"

This flower have better hair than me!

You go walking down the street and you see a dog with better hair than you, wearing an amazing designer shirt, drinking imported water and you think "Jesus Christ, that dog have better life than me!"

You go to your backyard, start watering your plants then you touched one leaf and you noticed it's softer than your skin. Yeah, that leaf it's softer than your skin... the skin you protect, clean and mosturize every day and then you go to your room, grab that expensive hand lotion and scream: "Why the hell you don't make my skin soft like that leaf?" Then you starting to think in bathing in gardening products to see if you can obtain a wonderful skin.

Beautiful and soft leaf

Hey, don't worry! I'm just kidding here! It's not like I'm gonna submerge myself in miracle grow or something! Now, seriously speaking... nature it's awesome! Yes, it can show you how unfair life is but maybe it's time to run wild and let the sun and rain take care of your appearance....

Who knows....

                                Luzyi 🍃

Special thanks to Mr. Norman Darlington for letting me use his stunning hairy flower pic. You can see more of his photos  at

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Dec 28, 2016

Insomnia It's A Girl!

Oh sleep, where are you? I have trouble falling to sleep. Insomnia and I have been besties since... wow, I don't even remember. We're friends! It's impossible to not being friend with her (yeah, Insomnia it's a girl) we've been together for so much time, we hang out every night, she's always with me. You see? We're besties!

                                                       Guadalupe thinking about existence

At night Inso (I call her like that) and I have long deep conversations about philosophy, religion, art, science and life. We talk, we laugh, we watch asian movies, anime, korean dramas (I told you I was getting near to become a Korean dramaholic... also, I'm already a Chinese movieholic) we listen to music, we do everything together.

Inso it's a tough girl! It doesn't matter if I try to get rid of her with medicines, she never leaves me... that's how much she loves me, or hate me... who knows! Now that I think, she's always there for me. In happiness and sadness, in sickness and health, in poverty and wealth... wait a minute, am I married to Insomnia?! OMG! That will explain a lot!

I will have to talk very seriously with Inso tonight... I really want the divorce! While I have a very tough conversation with her, go and have a nice sleep! Go!

                                 Luzyi 😜

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Dec 27, 2016

Bless The Sandwich!

I don't know who the hell invented the sandwich and I'm not gonna google it either... I'm very lazy these days... but I do know one thing, sandwiches are the best invention EVER!! 

                                                 3 cheese, honey ham grilled sandwich

They're delicious, convenient, easy to make, they kill the hunger and the options are endless... yes, ENDLESS!

You're hungry and you have leftovers in your fridge? Make a sandwich! You are really hungry but you're laziness made flesh? Make a sandwich! You woke up feeling like an international master chef but your fridge it's almost empty? Make a sandwich!

                                                                Baked pork leg sandwich

Next time you're hungry, in a hurry, feeling like eating something "gourmet" go and prepare a sandwich and while you're at it, bless the person who invented it!

Bon appetite!

                             Luzyi 🍞

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Dec 26, 2016

Baking Mad Scientist!

I love baking desserts! I love sugar, period! You already knew that... remember my chocoholic post? It's fun to make desserts, especially when you experiment with flavors like a mad scientist... and I'm a crazy baking mad scientist!

My family is always asking me to bake stuff and the number 1 request I always get is.... wait for it, wait for it... Flan!

                                  Baking vanilla flan

Warning: From now on, chances of me saying how awesome my flan is, are very high... Deal with it! (What a crappy attitude!)

Let's start the "my flan it's awesome" pride parade, shall we?

I had taste many flans in my life. I even dare to say hundreds of them but none of them are better than mine, NONE! It took me years of errors and experiments to get to my flawless recipe. Too many burned caramels, too many burns in my hands, too many crappy flans until I reach my delicious creamy dreamy flan.

                                   The final results

My brother in law always ask me for flan... actually instead of saying "Hi sis in law" he says "Where's the flan?"... yeah, not even a hello. That awesome my flan is!  We all have a secret recipe (and with this you just realize I will never going to reveal my secret recipe) that makes us proud. Some are good with cookies (I'm a disaster with cookies), others make wonderful cakes and I think we can all agree that it feels good to see how the thing we spent so much time and love, disappear in front of our eyes in a blink of an eye.

Ok, I bragged enough! Are you a baking mad scientist? I hope so!

                                     Luzyi 🍮

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Dec 24, 2016

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Artistic Freedom Crew team! We hope you all enjoy this day with your beloved ones! Happy holidays!

Here's the latest AFC xmas special video! Enjoy!


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Awake And Hungry!

I get grumpy when I'm hungry! I'm hungry now! Why? Well, I was peacefully sleeping when suddenly I received a message from my sister. This pic...

Yeah! Waking up to see something delicious trigger something... hunger. She not only woke me up early, she made me hungry... hungry and wanting to eat that deliciously looking pork! My sister is evil, EVIL!! Now I have to wait hours to finally eat that pork leg! On top of that, the entire neighborhood smells like ginger and cinnamon! 

Now if you excuse, I have to find food.... I'm starving! Pork, come quick!

                                Luzyi 😕

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Dec 23, 2016

If Life Gives You Lemons...

Life can be a pain in the... "behind" sometimes. We all know that, we all have experienced hardships in life. No matter your social status, your race, your educational background, if you're rich or poor... every single human being had experienced bad times.

There's a popular saying: "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade". People often joke about that saying and even make  their own version of it. Some people will add some alcohol to their lemons, some will make lemon pie. Me? I will make fun of it!

                                 Take that lemons!

I always laugh no matter the situation. I laugh when I want to cry, I laugh when I'm angry, I laugh when life throw some shit my way... I laugh! Not because I get a mental breakdown but because that's my way to say SCREW YOU LIFE, I LAUGH AT YOUR STUPID FACE!

My family and close friends always say I never take anything serious. I do! It's not like I never cry or throw some tantrums, but instead of being in bitch mode for a long time, I make fun of everything and keep moving on. By the way, you really don't want to get on my nerves! Let's say, I can be very scary... so, laughing it's better, right!?

Next time life gives you shit, laugh at it!
                                    Luzyi 😁

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Dec 22, 2016

Brain Big Bang!

Disclaimer: I'm high on allergy meds so the chances of not making sense here are high!

My brain never stops, not even when I'm filled with allergy medicine and feel like I'm floating between clouds. Actually, while my body it's "floating" my brain it's riding the clouds, racetrack style! Why? Because I'm a creative person and that's what's hyper creative brains do.

We all learn at school about the big bang theory and how the universe was created so I imagine the brain works in the same way. I call it Brain Big Bang.

                          My Brain BigBang!

As we live and feel (yes... I do believe feelings come from the brain, the heart it's just a hard working muscle) our brains react in different ways and I like to imagine that for every single experience, situation or feeling our brain change it's appearance. Ok, I know thats impossible and it doesn't work like that but I can imagine whatever I want, right?

For example, when in fear the brain (let's call it B from now on) will shake. If we fell in love, B will be drunk in happiness or if we're angry, B will be red and will have little explosions all over his "body". Now, what about... how will B look in the middle of a creative process? I imagine B having a big bang's moment while we create something. Never heard the phrase "Mind blowing"? Well, that's a brain's big bang!

Next time you're in the middle of a big bang, try to imagine how your brain looks like in the process. Now, if you excuse me, I need to tell my brain the allergy medicine effect had passed and he needs to get off that cloud!
                                  Luzyi ☁

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Dec 21, 2016

I'm addicted to chocolate and I'm not ashamed of it!

Holy mother, it's confession time! Hi, my name is Luz and I'm a choco addict! Worst of all? I don't even feel ashamed of it. Why would I? I mean... come on, it's chocolate! I'm gonna be very straight here, we're all addicted to something. 

My first Lava Cake

Yeah... you read good, WE'RE ALL ADDICTED TO SOMETHING and that includes YOU! Some are alcoholics, some are Drug addicts, some are addicted to fashion, some are korean dramaholics (I'm not there yet, but soon I will)... Me? I'm a chocoholic! 

                               My brownies are to die for!

Spoiler alert, chances of drooling are high...

Chocolate: a delicious, smooth, sugary, delightful "food" capable of erasing bad moods and anxiousness. Also have the ability to increase happiness thanks to all the chemicals in it. It's simple, you open the package and the first thing you notice it's the sweet smell that wake up your senses. The first thing you brain say is "What a delicious smell!". After that you notice how smooth feels that chocolate in your hand and feel the need to eat it quick before it started to melt... even if that happens, you really don't care because you will lick your fingers with big pleasure.

                                     I'm melting for you!

You have the first bite of that delicious chocolate and you feel your tongue it's having an affair with it. As you close your eyes you slowly exhale while you feel how the pleasure envolves your entire body and a flirty smile shows up in your face. At the end, after you finished eating your chocolate, you feel relaxed and in a good mood.

                                     This is diabetes in a shake!

I'm not gonna lie to you, I know how much damage sugar can cause in the body. That's why I try to be a smart chocoholic by eating less and enjoining more.

Feeling cravings already? I do!                             
                                   Luzyi 🍫

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Dec 20, 2016

Feels Good To Be Comfy!

It feels so good to be comfy! Specially when you're tired or watching your favorite tv show. I love my sofa, I really do! It's comfy and big and it has magic... yes, magic! It have the ability to make me sleepy in a blink of an eye, not even my bed have that ability! I can imagine how happy was this little hermit crab when it found a perfect spot to rest comfortable for the rest of the afternoon.

What's your favorite comfy spot?
                                        Luzyi 💋

Video of the little crab going home:

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Dec 19, 2016

Monday Power!

Mondays! 90% of human beings hates it! Why? Well, some people start their work week at Mondays and ok, I can understand the issues of partying or resting for just 2 days and then going back to work 8 to 10 hours per day for 5 days straight but let's face it, not everyone have the same work schedule or even work. I'ts funny how almost everyone hates Mondays even if they do nothing all week long! Maybe we came to this world with a "hating Monday" chip inserted inside our brains, maybe we're so used to the commercial propaganda on media telling us weekends rule and Monday sucks or maybe we just like to swim with the flow of "screw you Monday, SCREW YOU!". Social networks are drowned with hate towards Monday memes, you turn on the radio and every single call on the talk shows are about "I hate Mondays, i hate my job"... lots of people walks like zombie on the streets and there's an overall discomfort atmosphere everywhere you go. Why? Just because it's Monday. 

                                                                                     Power Monday

I propose something, let's change that awful concept about Monday! Instead of Zombie Monday, let's make it Power Monday! Yes, week start on Sunday but psychologically speaking we start or week on Monday. Starts can be sloppy sometimes but it can also be powerful. Let's "start" our week with a powerful attitude, a fresh start to make the most out of our week. Stop being a zombie and became a powerful, refreshed, energized person. Maybe that way your week will be filled with good vibes and, who knows if you can enjoy the weekend better! 

Be powerful!


Dec 18, 2016

What A Wonderful Day!

Blue skies! I simply love them and for some reason every time I see them I remember the song What a wonderful world. I must admit I don't know all the lyrics of the song, just the part of the blue skies. I think I'm blessed; I live at the Caribbean and I get to see clean blue skies the entire year. Even in my darkest days when hope it's gone, sadness it's kicking hard and I feel miserable (oh, the drama!) I raise my eyes and see the blue sky and think: "Thanks God for giving me the blessing to see this".

As I closed my eyes and let the breeze touch gently my face while listening to the birds and the sound of the wind playing with the leaves I start to feel fine again. People spend their entire life searching for peace, searching for happiness, searching for love. We spend our money, energy and time looking for something to feel better or special when the truth is we just have to go outside and let God bless us with his creation.

Have a wonderful day!
                            Luzyi 💋

A video posted by Lu Z (@luzdiaz) on

Dec 16, 2016

Guest Blogger Series! Featuring: Mrs Doodles!

Poe Solstice Series Explained.

                           By: Doodles

“Marching” (or head banging in my case) “to the tune of my own circus” as they say, is my way of doing just about everything. In most of my photography and art I love to combine opposites, or create an artful oxymoron. This is the case with the Poe Solstice Series.

It all started when I wanted to send Winter Holiday cards, but of course they couldn’t be just any cards, no store bought nonsense would do. They would have to be cool, gothic, and may be a bit dark or moody. For me this time of year is about celebrating Winter and all it has to offer. I could debate many things about many celebrations during this time of year but of one thing I am certain, it is the longest darkest time of year we have in the northern hemisphere. I Have looked out my window for decades and each year this is true.

So I set to work, making collages from items in my images, cut out and regrouped to make a new image. Lots of black birds, umm duh Poe, and yes even death symbolized in vultures and graveyards. I tried to also show the brightness of hope and joy that is in the darkness this time of year, even a family of vultures hangs their stocking in the moonlight, with hopes of Saint Nic.

That one is my #1 Favorite of the 18 cards. I usually have a moon lighting the long dark night, somehow it seems brighter in the cold air. Snow with all it's glittery reflection making the moon light much more luminous; is another frequent feature.

Poe Solstice Series, in a nutshell, is my eccentric and eclectic notions about “The Winter Holidays”

Have a Rockin Good Winter Holidays!
               \../_(◣_◢)_\../ Doodles

Want to read more? Go and visit her page

Dec 15, 2016

TrippyThursday At Artistic Freedom Crew!

Yay! Another trippy day at my job! Twice the trip if we count the side effects of my allergy meds! Enjoy the video!

                                       Luzyi 💋

Side Effects!

I have allergies and this weather it's not helping! I don't like to take medicine because the side effects are worst than the symptoms. So imagine the battle I had with my nose before i surrender myself and took the allergy medicine.

Ok, I must admit, I felt better within the first 10 minutes after taking the pill but I spent 22 hours in a cloud. Yeah, a cloud! Why? Because the medicine made me a dumb, slow, floating zombie. Basically I spent all day long with my brain floating in a comfy cloud near the 7th floor of the sky. I walked like I had 10 heavy bags hanging from my shoulders, no energy to even yell at the stupid mosquitoes sucking my full of medicine blood... I hope all of them get drowsy and slow and dumb and crash into something for drinking my precious blood!

Today we celebrate  TrippyThursday at AFC.... I was on a trip, today's trippy thursday... so it made sense to make something related to my zombieness (not sure if that's even a word)... and here's my "art".

Now, that's a very happy pill!... and a big nose... Do I really have to explain what means the water? Go and have a look to all the trippy awesomeness in AFC!

                                      Luzyi 💋

Dec 14, 2016

A Thankful Drama!

I spent all day long outside doing tons of stuff, driving like insane, carrying heavy bags and yelling to the old lady driving really slow in the middle of the road... you know, the usual. While driving back home I noticed a big smoke cloud near the place i live... and there's where the drama started, go a grab popcorn!

"Is that smoke? Oh my God! That's smoke! Wait a minute, thats near my house... Did i forgot to turn off the stove? Oh God my house it's burning! Wait, i didn't used the stove this morning. Oh, i left the tablet charging. My tablet got fire and now my house it's burning! Oh God no! I lost everything! God!!! Please.... no, no, i definitely unplugged the tablet before i left my house. Why my house it's burning? Why?! Don't panic Luz, don't panic! Jesus Christ, im almost home and that smoke cloud is huge... oh wait, thats my neighbor's house! My neighbor's house it's burning! Thanks God! Oh it's my neighbor's house, not mine!  Thank you God because my house it's fine, I'm so fricking happy!"... All this while driving really quick.

And then it hit me, why the hell am I thanking God because my neighbor's house it's burning down?... and it hit me twice because "Oh crap, my neighbor's house it's burning! Somebody call the 9-1-1! Wait, I have the phone in my hands. Let me take a pic first... ok, now I will ca... oh, police and firemen are here". Yeah, don't make that expression! I bet you would do the same.

So, now im thankful for the right reasons: my house it's ok, my neighbor is safe and I got a good pic...😉 
                                    Luzyi 💋

Dec 13, 2016

What's Artistic Freedom Crew?

Let's talk about my job! Not because I wanted my bosses to see I'm spreading the word so they think I'm a good employee and they send me some of the cookies they're always making. No, never!.... but seriously, what the hell is Artistic Freedom Crew? (AFC for short) It's a website for photography and digital art lovers. There are millions of websites about that you may think, and yes, it's true. So what's different about AFC? For a start it's a truly original content zone. I see it like a sanctuary for all the amateur photographers struggling to share their stuff in an original content atmosphere without worrying about being judged or buried in tons of internet crap like the other places.

Let's talk about the not being judged part. There's a big ugly thing pestering the internet: haters! No matter how good you are or how great your content is you will always find some haters throwing dirt on your hard work. You don't find that at AFC. The staff and members are very friendly. No one's gonna judge your work, you're free to be yourself and express your feelings through your photos and art. Also we joke a lot and exchange ideas. Most important of all, YOU KEEP THE COPYRIGHT OF YOUR CONTENT. It's your content, it belongs to you!

So let's recap... an original content zone with a friendly environment, free of judgment where you keep the rights of your stuff. Don't know about you, but I spent years looking for a place like that and I finally found it at Artistic Freedom Crew. On top of that, i met amazing talented people from all over the world who share the same passion for photography as me and thanks to them, my photography skills are getting better.

So what are you waiting for? Go and check and see what's awaiting you! Hope to see you there!

Dec 10, 2016

Lets Continue The Traditions!

Christmas, that time of the year were we eat like there's no mañana! Let's talk about delicious unhealthy food, shall we? I live in Puerto Rico and here we eat -for some weird reason that i really don't understand- lots of christmas dishes made with coconut. By now you're supposed to be asking "What the hell have christmas to do with coconuts?" That's a really good question! So good that i have no idea what the answer is! ... but rest assured, if i ever discover why almost all xmas dishes in Puerto Rico have coconut i will tell you. Like this arroz con dulce i just made... No, i won't eat all that....

                           Arroz con dulce

Anyway... it doesn't matter where you live, there is one golden rule for christmas food: it has to be deliciously unhealthy full of fat food. Yes, its true and you my dear reader know im not lying about this. Why all this season food have to be like that? Simple, so we can gain weight. Yeah, thats it... we eat delicious food, we get fat and even when we know whats going on because those jeans are not closing easily like they used to, we keep eating and drinking all the goodies our family gave us because its just for the holidays. I mean, come on! We have the rest of the year to eat healthy, right?

               Puerto rican christmas food.

We eat like insane almost the entire month of December (and part of January if you celebrate the 3 wise men day) and then January came and slap us in the face with the typical "you gain too much weight and you have to lose all that". The guilty, yeah guilty!  That's what January use to make us feel miserable for being over weight. Basically, xmas tradition is eat a lot, get fat, feel bad for being overweight, work your butt off at the gym and repeat this process again at the end of the year. Awesome, right?! So lets keep the tradition alive while we celebrate this season. Now, if you excuse me i will eat my arroz con dulce.

Long live to traditions!
                                    Luzyi 💋

Dec 8, 2016

Feeling Cold Already?

Oh winter! That time of the year where you feel cold, see the beautiful white snow falling from the skies and eat lots and lots of delicious unhealthy food. By now millions are feeling cold as hell, losing their nerves while driving in snowy roads, wearing layers of clothes to remain as warm they can, sliding instead of walking because its very slippery... and me? Well i live at the Caribbean so i just go to the beach and drink a piña colada while watching the waves playing with the sand and let the sun paint my skin with a nice tan color... by now you're supposed to feel hate towards me! No but seriously, i would like to have some snow for a change! So this season i will hope all of you have a safe driving and warm places to be while i get toasted at the beach! Happy holidays!


Dec 7, 2016

Guardian Of The Ketchup

I live in a rural area. My home its surrounded by trees and lots of lizards and iguanas. Sometimes i open my window and i get a "good morning" look from one of this big things.

Don't misunderstand me, i like them. I think they're cute, even the big iguanas look cute. At least they look cute to me.... like this one here trying to figure it out what the hell i was doing with my phone.

Now, if you ask my sister she will scream and jump like insane because she hates them and is afraid of them. It's true, i laugh like a maniac when she screams because of a lizard! So imagine how much i laugh when i saw this cute little fellow guarding the ketchup bottle!

This little guy is very stubborn! I spent 2 days trying to catch him to put him in the yard cause i was getting tired of the "OMG!!! A lizard!! Get that thing out now!!!".... it's only funny the first 2 minutes, after that its a pain in the.....

It was a battle, Chup (i called the lizard Chup because of the ketchup) didn't wanted to leave the kitchen. I don't blame him... i mean, come on... i would totally lived in the kitchen if i could! No matter what, Chup always finished on top of the ketchup bottle, so after 2 days of running, jumping, screaming (not me, i like lizards remember?) and arguing with the little guy i managed to catch him and put him in a safer place.... without ketchup, far away from the kitchen. I bet he's now missing his ketchup bottle!

Dec 6, 2016

Its All About The Journey!

I love photography! Its one of my hobbies and even when i admit that i'm a crappy amateur photographer i also have to admit it's really fun to transform my somewhat ok pics into something wicked. Who loves photo editing? Meee!! I mention before i kind of "work" at they have daily challenges in case you have no idea of what to capture with your camera and my favorite day, wait for it... It's TrippyThursday! You didn't expect that right? Ok, you did expected that...

Like this possessed elephant i made a few weeks ago, some songs are like fire in your ears! Anyway, in those days i let my inner looney get out and have fun... ok, i always let my inner looney do whatever it wants, not always a good thing. What the heck i was talking about? Oh right, trippy day! That day my plain pics transforms into wicked, absurd, crazy stuff. Life's already absurd so basically im stating the obvious with colors and shapes. At the end of the day i make a veeery long video of 1 minute and post it at instagram. You see, i have 3 bosses and they're crazier than me so basically im doing whatever i want there. BEST JOB EVER!!

I will just pretend you're paying attention of what im saying here and left the link of one of the Trippy videos. Enjoy the ride!

What A Bumpy Ride!

Welcome to this place! If your here by accident don't leave yet! Get comfy, lets have fun for a while. Indulge yourself in this blog stuff before you go and if you like my weirdness then don't be a stranger and subscribe! So, whats exactly this place about? Well, we all have our own unique way to coop with daily life... mine is finding the weird, crazy, silly, deep, absurd and funny meaning of every single thing. I always have to do this kind of stuff or i will die of boredom! Here you will find short stories, videos, photos, digital art and bunch of other things. I "work" at (AFC)... you noticed the air quotes, right? Its a universe for photography lovers and a sanctuary for truly original content. All the pics i will post here are mine or from my AFC my colleagues. Alright, i wrote too much, go and lurk into my stuff and don't forget to check my "workplace" ... i keep doing it, those air quotes!


Oh, i will left a video of some of my fellow AFC photos. Enjoy!